Raymond Thornton (USA, UK)
Родился 23 июля 1888 г. в
г. Chicago
Произведения по алфавиту (Alphabetic List) Произведения по дате выхода (Works by release date)
Календарь событий, изданий и публикаций (Calendar of Events, Editions & Publications) Серийные герои (Series characters) Рассказы и повести / Stories, Novelettes, Novellas
Произведения по дате выхода (Works by release date) |
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 11 Feb 1939, 8+277(3)pp, hc with dust jacket by Hans J. Barschel, 187x127 mm; |
The Big Sleep, (n.)
London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1939, 300pp, hc with dust jacket; |
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1 Oct 1940, 8+275(5)pp, hc with dust jacket by Hans J. Barschel 229×152 mm, 7,500 copies |
Farewell, My Lovely, (n.)
London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd., 1940, 320pp, hc with dust jacket;
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 17 Aug 1942, x+240(6)pp, hc with dust jacket by Hans J. Barschel 6,500 copies. 228x153mm
(as "The Brasher Doubloon")Cleveland and New York: Tower Books, The World Publishing Company, 240pp, hc. Reprinted 1946 with dust jacket by Ava Morgan; |
The High Window (The Brasher Doubloon), (n.) (*Филип Марлоу)
London: Hamish Hamilton & Melbourne: George Jaboor, 1943, 236pp, hc with dust jacket by |
NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1 Nov 1943, 6+216(2)pp, hc with dust jacket by Norman Reeves 6 000 copies 228.6 x 152.4 mm |
The Lady in the Lake, (n.)
London: Hamish Hamilton, 1944. First UK hc with dust jacket by Norman Reeves |
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, Apr 1949, 6+249(1)pp, hc with dust jacket by Boris Artzybasheff 228.6 x 152.4 mm 12,500 copies |
The Little Sister, (n.) (Marlowe)
London: Hamish Hamilton, Jan 1949, 256pp 228.6 x 152.4 mm hc with dust jacket by C.W. Bacon
Houghton Mifflin, 1953 |
ДОЛГОЕ ПРОЩАНИЕ, рм [The Long Goodbye, (n.) ]
London: Hamish Hamilton, 1953 |
ПРОКРУТКА, рм [Playback, (n.) London: Hamish Hamilton, 1958]
G.P. Putnam's Sons, 9 Oct 1989, 268pp, hc with dust jacket |
Poodle Springs (uncomplete 1959, finished by Robert B. Parker 1989, original incomplete draft published in Raymond Chandler Speaking, 1984) 161x236 |
АНГЛИЙСКОЕ ЛЕТО (ГОТИЧЕСКАЯ ПОВЕСТЬ), р [English Summer, (nv) Ecco Press, 1976]
БРОНЗОВАЯ ДВЕРЬ, р [The Bronze Door, (ss) Unknown, Nov 1939]
БЛЮЗ, пов. [Bay City Blues, (na) Dime Detective Magazine
June 1938]
Crime in the Mountains, (nv)
Detective Story Sep 1941]
ВЫСТРЕЛ У "СИРАНО", р [Guns at Cyrano's, (nv) Black Mask Jan 1936] Тед Малверн любил дождь. Он любил его шум, его запах. (Альберт, Джин Адриан)
ГАЗ ИЗ НЕВАДЫ, р [Nevada Gas, (ss) Black Mask June 1935] Хьюго Кэндлесс, сгибая в пояснице своё тяжёлое тело, стоял посреди корта для игры в скват. (Джордж Диал)
ГОРЯЧИЙ ВЕТЕР, р [Red Wind, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Jan 1938] (*Филипп Марлоу)
р [The Curtain, (ss)
Black Mask Sep 1936] Когда я увидел Ларри Бетселла впервые, он был
под мухой и сидел в слегка потрёпанном Роллс-Ройсе перед баром Сарли (Дадд
О' Мара)
ЗАСАДА НА НООН-СТРИТ, р [Noon Street Nemesis (Pick-up on Noon Street), (ss) Detective Fiction Weekley May 30 1936] Влюблённая парочка, обнявшись, медленно прошла мимо выцветшего щита с надписью "Отель Сюрприз" (Пит Энглих, Монси)
ЗОЛОТЫЕ РЫБКИ, р [Goldfish, (nv) Black Mask Jun 1936]
ИСПАНСКАЯ КРОВЬ, р [Spanish Blood, (nv) Black Mask Nov 1935] Синий подбородок Большого Джона Мастерса, крупного, толстого мужчины, так и лоснился... (Дейв Ааге)
КАРАНДАШ, [Marlowe Takes on the Syndicate (Wrong Pidgeon), (Philip Marlowe's Last Case), (The Pencil), (ss) Daily Mail (London) Apr 6-10, 1959] (*Филип Марлоу)
пов. [Mandarin's Jade,
(nv) Dime Detective Magazine Nov 1937] Когда позвонил Фиалка Мак-Джи,
я курил свою трубочку и строил рожи собственной фамилии (Линдли Пол)
КОРОЛЬ В ЖЁЛТОМ, р [The King in Yellow, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine, Mar 1938] Джордж Миллар, ночной портье гостиницы "Карлтон", модно одетый, крепкий, небольшого роста мужчина... (Стив Грейс, Леопарди)
ОПАСНОСТЬ — МОЯ ПРОФЕССИЯ, р [Trouble Is My Business (nv) Dime Detective Magazine Aug 1939]
ПОРОШОК ПРОФЕССОРА БИНГО, р [Professor Bingo's Snuff, (ss) Park East Magazine, Jun-Aug 1951]
ПРОСТОЕ ИСКУССТВО УБИЙСТВА, эссе [The Simple Art of Murder, (ar) Saturday Revue of Literature Apr 15 1950]
СВИДЕТЕЛЬ, р [Finger Man, (nv) Black Mask Oct 1934]
СУЕТА С ЖЕМЧУГОМ, р [Pearls Are a Nuisance, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Apr 1939] Истинная правда - в то утро мне действительно совершенно нечего было делать, кроме как сидеть и пялиться... (Эллен Макинтош, Уолтер Гейдж)
ВО ВРЕМЯ ДОЖДЯ, р [Killer in the Rain, (nv) Black Mask
Jan 1935]
УДАР В СПИНУ см. чистая работа
КОТОРЫЙ ЛЮБИЛ СОБАК, пов. [The Man Who Liked Dogs, (ss) Black
Mask Mar 1936]
ЧИСТАЯ РАБОТА, р [Smart-Alec Kill, (ss) Black Mask Jul 1934] Рост портье из отеля "Килмарнок" был метр девяносто. (Джонни Далмас, Рикко)
Я БУДУ ЖДАТЬ, р [I'll Be Waiting, (ss) Saturday Evening Post Oct 14 1939] Было около часа ночи, когда Карл, ночной портье отеле "Уиндермиер", начал гасить свет.
Фантастическое в творчестве автора:
Несмотря на то, что автора знают прежде всего как одного из наиболее известных классиков детективного жанра — к фантастическому жанру относятся несколько его произведений.
Это, прежде всего — рассказ «The Bronze Door», в ноябре 1939 года опубликованный в журнале «Unknown» и позднее перепечатывавшийся в журнале «The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction» и антологиях Альфреда Хичкока — ироничная история о волшебной двери, дающей могущество и меняющей жизнь, но через которую уже не вернуться. А также новелла «Professor Bingo's Snuff» (мистический детектив с «убийством в запертой комнате», с сюжетом вокруг загадочного порошка невидимости), вышедшая в летнем номере журнала «Fantastic» за 1952 год (впервые опубликованная годом ранее — «Park East», июнь-август 1951).
Также в контексте фантастики вероятно может быть рассмотрена и «готическая драма» Чандлера «English Summer», вышедшая лишь спустя много лет после его смерти.
Raymond Chandlers Rara-Avis Bibliography
RARA-AVIS is the home page of a mailing
list devoted to the discussion of hardboiled fiction. We've included their
Chandler bibliography here, but please do visit their homepage at the link
above! They note that the following bibliography as "believed to be complete,
aside from some anthologies."
Five Murderers (Avon Murder
Mystery Monthly 19, 1944) то же - Five Sinister Characters (Avon
Murder Mystery Monthly 28, 1945)
"Trouble Is My Business"
"Pearls are a Nuisance"
"I'll Be Waiting"
"The King in Yellow"
"Red Wind"
The Finger Man and Other Stories (Avon Murder Mystery Monthly 43, 1946)
"Finger Man"
"The Bronze Door"
"The Smart-Aleck Kill"
"The Simple Art of Murder"
Spanish Blood (World, 1946)
"Spanish Blood"
"The King in Yellow"
"Pearls Are a Nuisance"
"Nevada Gas"
"Trouble is My Business"
Red Wind (World, 1946)
"Red Wind"
"Blackmailers Don't Shoot"
"I'll Be Waiting"
"Guns at Cyrano's"
The Simple Art of Murder (Houghton Mifflin, 1950)
"The Simple Art of Murder"
"Spanish Blood"
"I'll Be Waiting"
"The King in Yellow"
"Pearls Are a Nuisance"
Chandler would often cannabilize earlier short stories for novels, and it can be a strange experience to read the short stories after the novel. He didn't allow the stories to be collected and printed in his lifetime, but they show up in Killer in the Rain.
The Big Sleep uses "The Curtain" and "Killer in the Rain." Farewell, My Lovely uses "The Man Who Liked Dogs," "Try the Girl," and "Mandarin's Jade." The Lady in the Lake uses "Bay City Blues," "The Lady in the Lake" and "No Crime in the Mountains."
Doug ( adds re: The Simple Art of Murder: "It should be noted that the names of the protagonists in four of the stories have been changed: Mallory to Johnny Dalmas in 'Smart-Aleck Kill,' unnamed narrator to Philip Marlowe in 'Finger Man,' Carmady to Marlowe in 'Goldfish,' and Dalmas to Marlowe in 'Red Wind.'"
Short Fiction
"Blackmailers Don't Shoot" (Black
Mask, December 1933)
"Smart-Aleck Kill" (Black Mask,
July 1934)
"Finger Man" (Black Mask, October
"Killer in the Rain" (Black Mask,
January 1935)
"Nevada Gas" (Black Mask, June 1935)
"Spanish Blood" (Black Mask, November
"Guns at Cyrano's" (Black Mask,
January 1936)
"The Man Who Liked Dogs" (Black
Mask, March 1936)
"Noon Street Nemesis" (a.k.a. "Pick-up
on Noon Street") (Detective Fiction Weekly, 30 May 1936)
"Goldfish" (Black Mask, June 1936)
"The Curtain" (Black Mask, September
"Try the Girl" (Black Mask, January
1937) (The big guy wasn't any of my business)(Tom Aleidis)
"Mandarin's Jade" (Dime Detective
Magazine, November 1937)
"Red Wind" (Dime Detective Magazine,
January 1938)
"The King in Yellow" (Dime Detective
Magazine, March 1938)
"Bay City Blues" (Dime Detective
Magazine, June 1938)
"The Lady in the Lake" (Dime Detective
Magazine, January 1939)
"Pearls Are a Nuisance" (Dime Detective
Magazine, April 1939)
"Trouble Is My Business" (Dime Detective
Magazine, August 1939)
"I'll Be Waiting" (Saturday Evening
Post, 14 October 1939)
"The Bronze Door" (Unknown, November
"No Crime in the Mountains" (Detective
Story, September 1941)
"Professor Bingo's Snuff" (Park
East Magazine, June-August 1951)
"English Summer" (1957) (first printed
in The Notebooks of Raymond Chandler, 1976)
"Marlowe Takes on the Syndicate"
(1958) (London Daily Mail, 6-10 April 1959; published as "Wrong Pigeon"
in Manhunt, February 1960; a.k.a. "The Pencil")
Short Nonfiction
"The Simple Art of Murder" (The
Atlantic Monthly, December 1944)
"Writers in Hollywood" (The Atlantic
Monthly, November 1945)
"Oscar Night in Hollywood" (The
Atlantic Monthly, March 1948)
"A Couple of Writers" (1951) (first
published in Raymond Chandler Speaking, 1984)
"Ten Per Cent of Your Life" (The
Atlantic Monthly, February 1952)
And Now Tomorrow (1944, with Frank
Partos and Frank Patton)
Double Indemnity (1944, with Billy
The Unseen (1945, with Hagar Wilde)
The Blue Dahlia (1946)
Playback (1948) (never filmed, published
as Raymond Chandler's Unknown Thriller, 1985)
Strangers on a Train (1951) (script
never used)
Once You Meet a Stranger (1996,
remake of Strangers on a Train, Tommy Lee Wallace reworking script)
The Falcon Takes Over (1942, from
Farewell, My Lovely)
Time to Kill (1942, from ?)
Murder, My Sweet (1944, from Farewell,
My Lovely)
The Big Sleep (1946)
The Brasher Doubloon (1947, from
The High Window)
Lady in the Lake (1947)
"The Adventures of Philip Marlowe"
(17 June 1947 - 15 September 1951) (NBC, CBS radio)
Marlowe (1969, from The Little Sister)
The Long Goodbye (1973)
Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
The Big Sleep (1978)
"Philip Marlowe, Private Eye" (1989)
(TV series)
Poodle Springs (1998) (TV movie)
Bruccoli, Matthew J. Raymond Chandler:
A Descriptive Bibliography (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press,
Durham, Philip. Down These Man Streets
A Man Must Go: Raymond Chandler's Knight (University of North Carolina
Press: Chapel Hill, 1963)
Gardiner, Dorothy and Kathrine Sorley
Walker, editors. Raymond Chandler Speaking (London: Allison and Busby,
Tom Hiney. Raymond Chandler: A Biography
(Chatto & Windus: London, 1997)
Luhr, William. Raymond Chandler
and Film (Frederick Ungar, 1982)
Knight, Stephen. Form & Ideology
in Crime Fiction (Indiana University Press: Bloomington, 1980)
MacShane, Frank. The Life of Raymond
Chandler (Dutton, 1976)
MacShane, Frank, editor. Selected
Letters of Raymond Chandler (Colombia University Press, 1981)
Pendo, Stephen. Raymond Chandler
on Film
Silver, Alain and Elizabeth Ward.
Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles (Overlook Press, 1987)
Thorpe, Edward. Chandlertown: The
Los Angeles of Philip Marlowe (London: Vermilion, 1983)