Последнее обновление 5.09.17




Chronological List of First Editions

Первые книжные издания

1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909,

1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930;




Nov - A STUDY IN SCARLET - London, New York & Melbourne: Ward, Lock;

Dec - THE MYSTERY OF CLOOMBER - London: Ward and Downey;


Feb - MICAH CLARKE - London & NY: Longmans, Green, and Co.;

Mar - Mysteries and Adventures - London: Walter Scott;


Mar - The Captain of Polestar and Other Tales - London & NY: Longmans, Green, and Co.;

Apr - THE FIRM OF GIRDLESTONE - London: Chatto & Windus;

Oct - THE SIGN OF FOUR - London: Spencer Blackett;


Aug - THE WHITE COMPANY - NY: John W. Lovell Company;


Feb - THE DOINGS OF RAFFLES HAW - NY: John W. Lovell Company;

Jul - The Gully of Bluemansdyke And Other Stories - London: Walter Scott;

Oct - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - London: George Newnes, Ltd.;

Oct - THE GREAT SHADOW - Bristol: J. W. Arrowsmith; London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co. Ltd.;

Профессорский эксперимент - сб. "Литературный отдел «Екатеринбургской недели», 1892 г."


May - THE REFUGEES - London: Longmans, Green, and Co.;

Aug - The Great Shadow and Beyond the City - Bristol: J. W. Arrowsmith, London: Simpkin Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd.;

Oct - My Friend the Murderer and Other Mysteries and Adventures, (co) NY: Lovell, Coryell & Co;

Dec - The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes - London: George Newnes;


Jul - The Winning Shot - The Winning Shot and An Actor's Duel, London: John Dicks;

Oct - ROUND THE RED LAMP: being facts and fancies of a medical life, (co) London: Methuen & Co.;

Dec - THE PARASITE, (na) Westminster: A. Constable and Co.;

Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Stories, (co) Chicago, NY: Rand, McNally;


Sep - THE STARK MUNRO LETTERS, (n.) London: Longmans, Green, and Company;


Feb - The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard, (co) London: George Newnes;
Nov - RODNEY STONE, (n.) London: Smith, Elder & Co.;

Dec 1896-Jan 1897 - UNCLE BERNAC, (n.) London: Horace Cox (chapters 1-10);


Oct - UNCLE BERNAC, (n.) London: Smith, Elder & Co;


Jan - THE TRAGEDY OF THE KOROSKO, (n.) Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co.;

Sep - Songs of Action, (poems) London: Smith, Elder, & Co.;

Mar - В БУЛОНСКОМ ЛАГЕРЕ (Uncle Bérnac) - СПб.: тип. А.С. Суворина (на обл. 1897);

Mar - Записки знаменитого сыщика (from "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes"), (сб) - СПб.: тип. "Владимирская";


Mar - A DUET, WITH AN OCCASIONAL CHORUS, (co) London: Grant Richards;

ПОЗДНЯЯ МЕСТЬ (A Study in Scarlet) - СПб.: Тип. В. В. Комарова;


Mar - The Green Flag and Other Stories of War and Sport, (co) London: Smith, Elder & Co;

May - HILDA WADE, (n.) 1900 (Primarily the work of Grant Allen; Doyle completed the work for publication after Allen died in 1899.)

Oct - THE GREAT BOER WAR, (ar) London: Smith, Elder and Co.;

The Adventures of Brigadier Gerard, (co) London: Paramount Books, 1900; (uncomplete edition)



Изгнанники (The Refugees) - СПб.: тип. СПб. АО печ. дела в России Е. Евдокимов (Библиотека юного читателя), в 2 ч.;

История без вести пропавшего поезда и др. р-зы (The Lost Special and other stories), (co) - Изд. книж. маг. "Новости" СПб.;

КТО ОН? (A Case of Identity) - Приключения Черлока Хольмса (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 1) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 1;

ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЕ С ПАЛЬЦЕМ ИНЖЕНЕРА (The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb) - Приключения Черлока Хольмса (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 1) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 1;

ТАИНСТВЕННОЕ ИСЧЕЗНОВЕНИЕ (The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor) - Приключения Черлока Хольмса (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 1) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 1;

ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЕ В КОПЕР-БИЧЕ (The Adventure of the Copper Beeches) - Приключения Черлока Хольмса (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 1) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 1;

ЖЁЛТОЕ ЛИЦО (The Yellow Face) - Мемуары Черлока Хольмса (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 2) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 2;

КЛЕРК ИЗ БАНКИРСКОЙ КОНТОРЫ (The Stockbroker’s Clerk) - Мемуары Черлока Хольмса (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 2) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 2;

КАТЕХИЗИС МЕСГРЕВА (The Musgrave Ritual) - Мемуары Черлока Хольмса (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 2) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 2;

ПАЦИЕНТ ДОКТОРА ТРЕВЕЛЬЯНА (The Resident Patient) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 2) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 2;

ПЕРЕВОДЧИК (The Greek Interpreter) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 2) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 2;

КРОВАВЫЙ ЭТЮД (A Study in Scarlet) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 3) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 3;

ЗНАК ЧЕТЫРЁХ (The Sign of the Four) - сс. Конан-Дойля в 3-х тт. (coll. in 3 vols, vol. 3) - СПб.: братья Пантелеевы, т. 3;


Jan - The War in South Africa: its cause and conduct, (ar) London: Smith, Elder & Co.;

Mar - THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES, (n.) London: George Newnes Ltd.;

БЭСКЕРВИЛЬСКАЯ СОБАКА (The Hound of the Baskervilles) - СПб.: тип. Бр. Пантелеевых;

Записки знаменитого сыщика (from "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes") СПб.: Издание Ф. И. Митюрникова;


Sep - Adventures of Gerard, (n.) London: George Newnes Ltd.;

Sep-Nov - Author's Edition (12 Vol's), London: Smith, Elder & Co, Sep-Nov 1903;

Author's Edition (13 Vol's), NY: D. Appleton & Co, Sep-Nov 1903;

A Duet (A Duologue), (pl) London, NY: Samuel French, Ltd.;

Мемуары Шерлока Холмса, известного сыщика в 2-х тт." (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes in 2 vols, vol. 1) т. 1, СПб.: тип. СПб. т-ва печ. и изд. дела "Труд", с.


ЧЁРНЫЙ ПРИНЦ (The White Company) - М.: т-лит. Г. И. Простакова

Мемуары Шерлока Холмса, известного сыщика в 2-х тт." (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes in 2 vols, vol. 2) т. 2, СПб.: тип. СПб. т-ва печ. и изд. дела "Труд", с.

Приключения Этьена Жерара (The Adventures of Etienne Gerard), (co) - СПб.: паровая типо-литография "Энергия"

ТРАГЕДИЯ СОРОСКО" (The Tragedy of the Korosko) - СПб.: Изд. П. П. Сойкина (Б-ка романов "Прикл. на суше и на море" кн. 8)

ТОРГОВЫЙ ДОМЁРДЛСТОН и К°" (The Firm Of Girdlestone) - А. Конан Дойль, т. Торговый дом "Гёрдльстон и К°", М.: Д. П. Ефимов

Записки врача (Round the Red Lamp) - СПб.: типо-лит. "Энергия"

сс. в 9-ти тт. (coll. 9 vol.) - М.: тип. т-ва И. Д. Сытина

Рука темнокожего (The Brown Hand) - СПб.: Изд-во кн. маг. "Новости";


Feb - THE RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLMES - NY: McClure, Phillips & Co;

ЗА ГОРОДОМ (Beyond the City) - сс. "А. Конан Дойль" т.Тень великого человека. За городом, М.: Д.П. Ефимов


Oct - SIR NIGEL - NY: McClure, Phillips & Co;

БОРЬБА ЗА ВЕРУ И СВОБОДУ (Micah Clarke) - сс. "А. Конан Дойль" т.Борьба за веру и свободу, М.: Д.П. Ефимов


Mar - THE CROXLEY MASTER - NY: McClure, Phillips & Co;

 - Waterloo, (pl) London, NY: Samuel French, Ltd., 1907, iv+19(1)pp; The Story of Waterloo (A play in one act.), (pl) Samuel French, 1907, 19pp;



May - The Grey Dress. Unpublished Dialogue from ''A Duet'' The Flag: The Book of the Union Jack Club, ed. by Major H. F. Trippel, London: The Daily Mail;

Sep - ROUND THE FIRE STORIES - London: Smith Elder and Co.;


The Crime of the Congo, (n.) London: Hutchinson & Co., 1909, 128pp; The Crime of the Congo, (n.) NY: Doubleday, Page, & Co., 1909, 128pp;

ТАЙНА КЛУМБЕРА (The Mystery of Cloomber) - М.: Тип. Об-ва распространения полезных книг, преемник В.И. Воронов

Чёрный доктор (The Black Doctor), (co) - СПб.: СПб. т-во печ. и изд. дела "Труд";


Apr - THE LAST GALLEY. Impressions and Tales, (co) London: Smith Elder and Co.;

Mar - SONGS OF THE ROAD, (poems) London: Smith, Elder and Co., 16 Mar 1911, viii+137(3)pp;

ЧУДЕСНОЕ ОТКРЫТИЕ (The Doings of Raffles Haw) - сс. "Полное собрание сочинений", т.7, СПб.: Книгоизд-во П.П. Сойкина, кн.22

Игра с огнём (Playing with Fire), (co) - СПб.: СПб-ское тов. печ. и издат. дела "Труд";


Aug - The Speckled Band, (pl) London & NY: Samuel French Ltd.,  109(19)pp;

Oct - THE LOST WORLD, (n.) London, NY, Toronto: Hodder & Stoughton;


Aug - THE POISON BELT, (n.) London, NY, Toronto: Hodder & Stoughton;

Затерянный мир (The Lost World) - СПб.: М. Г. Корнфельд


Feb - THE VALLEY OF FEAR, (n.) NY: George H. Doran;


ДОЛИНА СТРАХА (THE VALLEY OF FEAR) - М.: Наша жизнь (Новая б-ка № 8-10)


Oct - HIS LAST BOW, (co) London: John Murray;


Dec - DANGER! And Other Stories, (co) London: John Murray



The British Campaign in France and Flanders, (6 Volumes) London/New York/Toronto: Hodder and Stoughton, Volume 4 (1917), 1919
Volume 5 (Jan-July 1918), 1919
Volume 6 (July-Nov 1918), 1919
The Guards Came Through and Other Poems, (poems) London: John Murray, 16 Dec 1919, 78(2) pp;

The Vital Message, (ar) London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1919, 228pp;


The Conan Doyle Stories, A collected edition of the non-Holmes short stories in six volumes - London: John Murray

Jul - vol.1 - Tales of the Ring and Camp,

Jul - vol.2 - Tales of Pirates and Blue Water

Jul - vol.3 - Tales of Terror and Mystery

Jul - vol.4 - Tales of Twilight and the Unseen

Jul - vol.5 - Tales of Adventure and Medical Life

Nov - vol.6 - Tales of Long Ago

Sep - The Poems of Arthur Conan Doyle: Collected Edition - London: John Murray;


Our American Adventure, (ar) London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1923, 205pp; (One of Doyle's scarcer works, only printed in 1500 copies. The book was written on the American-journey in the summer 1922, where Doyle made lectures on a couple of American Universites)

Three of Them (Three children.) A reminiscence ..., London: John Murray;


Jun - How Watson Learned the Trick The Book of the Queen's Dolls' House Library, London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.

Мир в столбняке (The Poison Belt) Л.: АО "Тов. изд. и печ. дела А. Ф. Маркс"


Mar - THE LAND OF MIST - London: Hutchinson & Co.



Современный алхимик (Modern alchemist) (co) М.: ЗиФ


Oct - The Complete Sherlock Holmes Short Stories - London: John Murray;

"Новые приключения Шерлока Холмса" (The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) (from "The Case-book of Sherlock Holmes") Л.: Библиотека Всемирной Литературы

"Маракотова бездна" (The Maracot Deep), (co) М.-Л.: ЗиФ


Jun - The Conan Doyle Stories - London: John Murray;

Jul - THE MARACOT DEEP and Other Stories - London: J. Murray;



Jun - The Edge of the Unknown, (ar) London: John Murray, Jun 1930, 332pp;

The Edge of the Unknown, (ar) NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1930;

The Crowborough Edition (24 Vol's), Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., 1930;